australian labour party leadership

Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd resigns: Leadership of the.
Gillard wins leadership vote in divided Labour party | Big News.
Mar 22, 2013. A second Australian government minister quit today in the fallout from a. which he will return to the Labour Party leadership in the futureâ€.
The party's federal parliamentary leader is Kevin Rudd and he is also the Prime . The ALP adopted its formal name "Australian Labour Party" in 1908, but.
Feb 27, 2012. for the Australian Labor Party and the Australian labour movement.. Kevin Rudd leaves with supporters after losing the Labor leadership.
Australian Young Labor is the youth wing of the Australian Labor Party.. "Young Labor leader blasts Conroy's 'draconian' reform" - The Australian 2013-03-20. Youth wings of political parties in Australia · Australian labour movement · Youth.
Feb 22, 2012. KevinRudd.jpg Former Prime Minister and current Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd has resigned citing lack of confidence in him from Prime.
Robert Hawke (prime minister of Australia) -- Encyclopedia Britannica.
australian labour party leadership
Australian Labour Party leader worked for Soviets, claims historian.australian labour party | Tumblr.
Whitlam joined the Australian Labor Party in 1945.. In 1960 Whitlam was elected Deputy Leader and in 1967 Leader of the parliamentary Labor Party. .. In Question Time he had addressed questions to Minister for Labour and National.
Apr 11, 2011. One of Australia's leading intelligence historians has said that Herbert V. Evatt, who led the Australian Labour Party in the 1950s, operated as a.
The Nationalist Party of Australia was an Australian political party.. 1 History; 2 Young Nationalists Organisation; 3 Leaders; 4 See also; 5 References. On 15 September 1916 the NSW executive of the Political Labour League (the Labor.
Feb 4, 2013. Australia's ruling Labour party is heading for a massive defeat in. Gillard, Australia's first female leader, has endured a turbulent time with two.
People - Australian Labor Party.
australian labour party leadership
Labour Party Leadership Spill (with images, tweets. - Storify.
PES Secretary General meets Australian Labour Party Senate Leader.
Australian Young Labor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.